
The intent of this presentation is not to cure, mitigate or treat Diabetes, but rather to provide knowledge about health.  The conclusions are personal &    without affiliation. 
These remedies are complementary, but they should not be applied without having first consulted with the physician that is caring for you.  
Do not stop taking your medicines, or apply these remedies without  the authorization of a qualified practitioner that is familiar with your individual case so that you can discuss your options, arrive at an agreement and monitor                your progress. 
The information disclosed should not be used for medical emergencies.  For medical emergencies, dial 911. 

Survival on Wild Edibles: 

"He shall dwell on the heights, on high, in the almost inacessible places for warriors, refugees, and raiders, -mountain fastnesses of crage, of cliffs, shall be his secure retreat, his bread shall be given, his water shall be permanent, shall endure, shall be sure, lasting." Isaiah 33:16


"He has made the strength of the everlasting hills to be a safe retreat for His people.  He has prepared the mountains and the caves for His oppressed and persecuted children." (UL 327.5)

There is a lot of overlaping of wild edible plants throughout the world.  One of the reasons for this is that our planet is comprised of only six "biomes": Freshwater, Marine, Desert, Forest, Grasland and Tundra. (University of California, Museum of Palentology)  While the earth has incredible diversity, each of these six biomes have similar properties, such as temperature, weather, animal popluation and vegetation. (Campbell 1996) Thus, a European, South American and Canadian might be able to forage the same wild edibles if they all live in a similar environment. (Boutenko 2013)


4 Rules for eating Wild Edibles: (Boutenko 2013)

1- Don't eat anything in the wild unless you are certain you know what it is.  If you have a question, inquire before eating it.

2- Don't eat more than one type of food from the wild at a time until you are sure that your body has tolerance to it.

3-  Only introduce small quantities of food from the wild at a time.

4- Engage all of your senses.

Adirondack "Tree Eaters"

In this forbidding winter forest, in New York, when rivers customarily freeze in winter, the Adirondack Indians survived.  They ate the inner bark of pines, firs and spruce trees.  Their name "Adirondack" in the indian language means "Tree Eaters".  This is the name that other tribes called the indians living in the Adirondack Forest.


If you find yourself in an evergreen forest, you will have an abundance of food.  Edible on the pine, the spruce and the Douglas Fir trees is the inner bark, the sap, twigs, catkins, light green tips, needles, cones, pollen and nuts.


Reference: Wild Edibles, A Practical Guide to Foraging, with Easy Identification of 60 Ediblr Plants and 67 recipes, by Sergei Boutenko.

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The Tree of Life Ministry promotes dominion over disease by following the 10 laws of health, whereby restoring the moral image of God in man through balance of the mind, body and soul unto salvation.